Fusion is a prototype game in which two teams compete in an arena-style match to steal all the energy from the opposing team’s generator. What makes Fusion unique is that each player can choose to play in a variety of modes, each closely mimic-ing a popular gaming genre. Fusion has been designed an balanced so that no particular configuration of modes is advantageous, meaning that players can freely choose to play Fusion however they wish. The aim is to allow players with a wide variety of tastes to be able to share the experience of a team game, without having to play a genre of game that they aren’t drawn to. We hope you enjoy it and welcome allĀ feedback.
Asymmetrical Cooperative Gaming was a student-pitched project for the Fall 2010 semester at Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment Technology Center. A team of six students brought this concept before the faculty and were allowed to spend a three-month semester developing Fusion from scratch.
We extensively play tested our game, Fusion, and held an end-of-semester tournament at the ETC as a final test of the balance and overall success of our game. In addition, we analyzed our design successes and failures in a paper which has been published on Gamasutra.